I wrote the interpretations for the predictive reports I am offering. I have many years of experience with clients in helping guide them forward with insightful information regarding careers, relationships and other important areas of life. My reports will help you to take bold steps to improve your life and take advantage of new opportunities.
Secondary Progressions
This written report is a 3-year forecast of your future based on progressions. Every day after we are born is equal to one year of our lives in this technique. Sound interesting? Don’t let the math bother you. Everything is figured out for you in this report so you can easily understand the information being presented to you. Challenges and opportunities in your present and future are discussed. The information is presented in chronological order giving you quick insight that can be instantly put to work for yourself. No knowledge of Astrology is required. Useful tips throughout the report will help you maintain personal empowerment and clarity about the paths ahead of you.
Three Year Progression Report = $75
This is a second report being offered. This technique is also a 3-year forecasting of your future report. Transits are the current movement of planets in the sky interacting with your birthchart. As in the previous Progression report described no knowledge of Astrology is required. This transit written report will supply you with numerous insights to help you navigate your present and future life choices. My reports are meant to empower you and inspire creative thinking.
Three Year Transit Report = $75
Grand Slam Offer! Buy both the Progression and Transit reports and save $25. You can get both reports for $125.