Astrological Services

astrological services
My Astrological practice has been growing steadily since 1974. I am pleased to be able to offer you a wide variety of services from which to choose. I believe my interpretation skills rival those of any astrologer in the world. My readings and written reports will bring you into a greater awareness of your life, and help paint clearer pictures of the times ahead. You will find that the clarity you seek in making the right choices will be enhanced if you take advantage of my expertise. Go for it!

Empowering Taped Readings

You can come to my office for a consultation or have a taped reading mailed to you. My clients often say that when listening to the tape a second or third time, they hear things that they missed during the first listening. A taped reading will offer you great insights into many areas of your life.

astrology telephone consultationTelephone Consultations

If a telephone consultation is more convenient for you, this can be arranged by appointment. My out-of-town clients enjoy this type of interaction. It is the next best thing to a face-to-face consultation.

Written Reports

Local Space/Relocations