I want to welcome those of you coming into my website through reading my just released new book, Civilization Under Attack, published by Llewellyn.
In my newest effort I have collaborated with authors Stephanie Clement, Robert Hand and others to help explain September 11th terrorist attacks in Astrological terms for the general public. I wrote one chapter, Psychology of Terrorism.
The publisher says this about the book:
“Our book takes the one factor that is starkly and clearly known- the exact time of the September 11 attack-and applies the one science that can analyze time to bring understanding about the antecedents of the event, about the people involved in carrying it out, and the forecasts helpful to the decisions that must be made.”
-Carl Llewellyn Weschcke, Publisher
Just In! At the Coalition of Visionary Retailers dinner each year, awards are presented in a number of different product and book categories. The surprise was – Civilization Under Attack was nominated in the broad nonfiction category.
Civilization Under Attack was a runner up!
The contributors are a very special group of authors. This is the first time an astrology book has won a COVR award book to be recognized!